About us

The construction Team JO Services Individual

JO Service Individuel is a newly founded construction company, a project company for the construction project of holiday apartments, directly on the popular Baltic Sea coast in Lassan in western Pomerania in Germany.

Mr. Juergen Oltersdorf is Managing Director and Shareholder of JO Service Individual LLC. He studied structured engineering and trained as a roofer and has more than 25 years of experience in the construction business. In terms of personnel, the company is experienced and innovative and well-staffed and networked and consists of a team of engineers, architects, construction specialists and specialist companies in the field of building construction, so that even larger construction projects can be successfully implemented.

Web: www.jo-services-individual.com

Email: info@jo-services-individual.com

Invest/Co in Delaware / USA:

JO Services Individual, LLC
717 N. Union Str.,
Suite 139
Wilmington, DE 19805
Country of New Castle
State of Delaware

Project company in France:

JO Service Individuel SAS
1, Place de l’ Homme de Fer
67000 Strasbourg
Grand Est

Siren: 917 967 671
VAT: FR 81917967671

Management and Founder: Mr. Juergen Oltersdorf